Create a “Today I Learned” Website
It’s super easy to setup using Jekyll.
Plus, you can host it on GitHub for free.
Setup the repository
# Create folder
mkdir til
# Navigate to folder
cd til
# Initialize repository
git init
# Create a README
echo "# TIL of $(whoami)" >
# Create Gemfile
echo -e "source ''\ngem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins" > Gemfile
# Install dependencies
# Stage files for commit
git add .
# Save changes to repository
git commit -m 'Initial commit'
# Create repository on GitHub
hub create
# Push to GitHub
git push
# Open in browser
hub browse
Configure GitHub
1) Open the repository in GitHub (shortcut: hub browse
2) Click Settings/GitHub Pages
3) Change the source to Master Branch
, and then click Choose a Theme
4) GitHub will update the _config.yml
, so pull the latest git pull origin master
Setup your Homepage
Create an index.html
, with:
layout: default
title: Welcome!
{% for post in site.posts %}
<a href="{{ post.url | prepend:site.baseurl }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}
Create a your first post
Create a _posts/
, with:
layout: default
title: Hello World!
tags: til, github
# Hello World
it works!!!
Preview your site
To run in development mode:
bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl /til
Navigate to
git add _posts
git add
git push
You can view your website at: