Today I Learned

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FZF is neat

With FZF, you can add fuzzy finding to any command.


Install fzf with a brew install fzf or git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git ~/.fzf && cd ~/.fzf && ./install

Open files with autocomplete

You can pass the results of fzf as the arguments to another command (eg vim)

# open file with autocomplete
vim $(fzf)

or add an alias to ~/.bash_aliases

# ~/.bash_aliases
alias fvi="vim $(fzf)"

Changing git branch with autocomplete

You can also pipe anything to fzf, for example you can pipe you list of git branches git branch | fzf. You can take those results and pass them to git checkout by doing git checkout $(git branch | fzf)

# ~/.bash_aliases
alias fco='git checkout $(git branch | fzf)'